An FFP2 mask is a disposable filtering respiratory protective device against particles and aerosols (small water droplets that may contain influenza viruses, for example). The FFP2 mask is intended to protect the wearer against the inhalation of infectious agents which can be transmitted via the air we breathe. It also protects him against the risk of transmission by “droplets”.
There are three classes of disposable respiratory protection masks: FFP1, FFP2, FFP3: in increasing order of effectiveness. The effectiveness of the mask is based on the effectiveness of the filter and the absence of significant leakage on the face.
The protection provided depends on the class of the device chosen (FFP2 to protect against the H1N1 flu or the coronavirus type COVID-19) and on its proper fitting on the face. FFP2 masks are covered by European Regulation 2016/425 and must comply with standard NF EN 149 :2006 + A1 : 2009. The conformity of the masks is certified by the CE marking, the acronym of which, followed by the number of a notified body, appears on each mask.
In France, following the recommendation of the European Commission 2020/403 of March 13, 2020, the Ministries of Economy and Finance, Labor, Action and Public Accounts issued a circular on March 27, 2020 authorizing until May 31, 2020 the importation and use in France of surgical masks conforming to American and Chinese standards, as well as FFP2 masks conforming to American, Chinese (KN95), Australian, New Zealand, Korean and Japanese standards for all professionals.
FFP2 mask
FFP1 masks do not protect enough against A – H1N1 flu or swine flu, it is definitely advised to buy FFP2 masks. Regarding COVID-19 type coronaviruses, an FFP2 mask provides a better fit on the face and makes it possible to keep the mask longer than a simple mask.
Now, what is the difference between an FFP2 / KN95 mask and a surgical/medical mask ?
Wearing an FFP2 mask helps to avoid exhaling flu viruses or coronavirus in the ambient air and it also helps to avoid breathing influenza viruses or coronavirus.
Wearing a surgical mask simply avoids exhaling viruses in the ambient air but not inhaling them. In other words : the surgical mask protects others from the flu when you wear it. The FFP2 mask protects you from others’ flu and coronavirus when you wear it and also protects others. It is a bi-directional protective device.
At JCM-MED, we have available FFP2 masks, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.